Then, when you add tight-fitting clothing like leggings and sweaty exercise, you create the perfect environment for the yeast to thrive. So what makes this yeast overgrow? It likes warm, moist environments, which Miami certainly has. However, when it becomes overgrown, it can cause this unpleasant rash. Like many other microbiota, pityrosporum is commonly found on healthy skin. What happens is this yeast makes its way down into the hair follicles, where it multiplies and causes an itchy rash. This infection is caused by a type of yeast called pityrosporum, and has been very common lately. After doing some research, I found that this rash is probably due to an infection called pityrosporum folliculitis. All of the cases I have seen in my dermatology practice have been after wearing Lululemon leggings, so at first, I thought this was a reaction to the fabric. Lately, there have been a lot of questions about an itchy rash on the buttocks that lasts about 24 to 36 hours after sweaty exercise. You get really sweaty in the class and, because I am a dermatologist, I get asked a lot of questions about the skin issues that result. I have been taking a new fun dance class called DanceBody that is very popular in Miami and New York. Are Your Lululemons Giving You a Rash on Your Butt?